Will all that said, I've still been very busy in the quilting room! My studio is all but finished - pictures will be forthcoming and my new HandiQuilter Avante is all setup... Here's some of what I've worked on in the past few months . . .
Over the past few months I've spent quite a bit of time taking care of these two precious babies. Tommy on the left & Mike on the right. They're about 9 months in this photo... we have so much fun together. My great-nephews are truly miracle boys! Life is sweet!
Here's a memory quilt that I made for a customer. I just absolutely love the way it turned out. It was for her son's graduation gift. Is this special or what? I truly enjoy making this type quilt. Super fun!!
I had the opportunity to take a piecing class from DeLoa Jones. This is her original pattern called "Rose Log Cabin." It still needs a couple of borders, but is lovely just as it is. I never realized that a day at a class could be like a mini-retreat! Especially when you're doing something you love & surrounded by folks who share your passion. Such a total blessing.
Well, this is certainly not everything I've done in five months, but at least partly catches me up....
So, now I am back off to continue my Adventures in Quilting....
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