When I look at my blog, I realize how much has happened since my last post. Of course, I hardly stopped to breathe during the last two months! My how the time does fly!!! On the other side of that coin I can look at how much I have accomplished during this time. So, my "blog-neglect" has been worth it! Truthfully, housework & PC went out the window - pared down to essentials - like food, which my hubby certainly appreciated... LOL!
This is the 1st of the 3 journals...
And the Table Runners....
And two LSU Tiger table runners for my brothers...
If you click on the detail you might be able to see the fleur de lis quilting & echoes in the purple, gold & white calico.... just a perfect fabric for my LSU theme!
And this is the last one for 2009.... a gift for a dear friend... guess there are others too, now that I think about ... LOL! I was a prolific table runner maker for a season! It was nice to be able to give gifts that I had made for each of my dearest friends & family members... What a blessing for me this year!
This is the Foolish Goose Tracks quit completely finished. The quilting work came out just fabulous if I must say so myself!! I love this quilt and was quite a feeling of accomplishment when the last of the binding was stitched down!
The images below are detail of some of the machine quilting.... took me a couple of day of hard work, but what a great feeling!
And here's my friend Jane's memory quilt....
Thrown in was babysitting for these absolutely precious babies
<<<< Mike
& a few other little detours, like Christmas shopping & some PTO responsibilities... Okay, maybe I need a nap now that I've written all that down..... and I wonder why I'm in "sleep-in" mode now that it is all done & delivered! LOL!
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Looking forward to what God has for me and more "Adventures in Quilting" in 2010!