You might find it funny for me to say "adventures" in quilting... but truly it is an adventure - and there seems to never be a dull moment... from watching a quilting pattern unfold on the longarm to piecing adventures.... well.... okay.....

See this beautiful quilt top - this is the center of the quilt (sans borders 2 & 3, that is).... I have been working on this quilt since the beginning of the year - it's called Foolish Goose Tracks. I am thrilled to say that I have
FINALLY completed this quilt top - now it waits for the studio so it can be quilted.... Okay, back to my story.... well, I held this quilt up a couple of months ago and what I saw - I couldn't believe -
I had sewn an entire diagonal row in upside down! Oh no! Okay - so I have to admit, this really bummed me out - so it sat for a while... looking at me - with a glaring error until one night I said "
enough" and began my frogging adventure.... and you're not going to believe this - but I managed to sew the entire row in,
again, upside down.... so a frogging we go - but this time, I'm a woman on a mission.... and voila! The fixed quilt.... It is a thing of beauty isn't it.... and so below is the finished quilt top... well, as much of it as I could take a picture of until I can get the guys to hold it up for me again.... (I still managed to sew the borders on upside down and had to remove & redo... ah, well... this is a mark of the patience that has grown in me over the years!!)

Aren't the borders just magnificent? This is such an accomplishment for me and I cannot tell you how
happy I am to have this finished. I had to make a deal with myself that I could not start my next piecing project until this was done.... I have to admit I was getting bored with the borders, but they were SO worth it!
So what else have I been working on? Well, I have been quite busy.... Like I said, I had to make deals with myself to make progress on Foolish Goose Tracks - which sure fooled me more than once....

Finished this sweet little baby pinwheel quilt - down to the tags... Don't ask me why, but my tags were a huge hold up for me... I wanted them to look a certain way - and I agonized over them - and finally, I created what I wanted. I am quite pleased with the finished result.
FYI - This quilt is now blessing my newest great-niece Madeline, born September 2nd! Isn't she absolutely beautiful... Don't think I've ever seen a more content & happy looking newborn!!
What else??? A pile of table runners! This will mostly be given as gifts - in fact one goes out the door for a wedding gift this weekend. These have been fun - quick easy - took no time to quilt on the longarm (did them two at a time).... and there will be a very large pile of them by Christmas!

In the meantime, I'm having so much fun making these!! All they lack is the binding. Today is binding day.... I will have the binding cut & sewn on at least one today... after all one is a gift that must be completed right away. So, again, for me, it's "let's make a deal" time - a deal with myself. I have to put binding on at least one so I can work on my next project.... Something for our home that will grace the kitchen table this fall.
This design is "Fit to be Tied" from Pam Bono
[Click here to check out Pam Bonos website]... It will certainly be a challenge for me... Looks large doesn't it? Well, here's the pieces, which I did cut out (making deals with self - LOL) ... It's lots & lots of little pieces.... but will be so much fun! After I cut out ALL the binding & get it ready, then sew it on at least one table runner - if not all, then I can give myself permission to start it. Actually, I kind of like it when I complete stuff and feel like I have a clean slate... so, it might be tomorrow before the fun of piecing begins. Can't wait to show off the finished table topper - gracing my table, of course!

That's enough for today! Most assuredly have been staying busy ... and I didn't even include the longarm QOV's I've been doing! Till next time and we continue on with "Adventures in Quilting!"